Time/Date Difference

The Time/Date Difference field is used to calculate the difference between two timestamps, be it whether its just calculating the difference between two times in a single day, or calculating the number of days between two dates. There are various formats that this data can be outputted as. Its a useful field for features like clocking in and out, or even just comparing expiry date with current date etc.

Difference Initial Field Parameters


Select Start Date/Time

The field that contains the date (or time) value that would be considered the beginning date to compare.

Select End Date/Time

The field that contains the date (or time) value that would be considered the second date or time to compare the first value to.

Format to Read

This is the format of the date or time that the 2 fields that are being compared must be. For example DD/MM/YYYY means both fields must be of that format, e.g. 06/12/2021 Please note that it will be likely you will be using our Date Field or Auto Generate Field to read the date or time from. To understand what formats to use, especially if you would like to use your own formats then please see the formats found at this link: https://devhints.io/moment

Default Results Format (For Date option)

This is the option that decides the final value of this field. Some users may want specific results or less rounded results. Round Number to Single Days: If the difference was 2.6 days, the value would be 3. Use Decimal Points with Days: This gives a more accurate result, e.g. 4.29 days. The .29 is the actual mathematical calculation of the minutes in that day. For example if the difference was 2 days and 18 hours, the result would be 2.75

Default Results Format (For Time Option)

This is the option that decides the final value of this field. Some users may want specific results or less rounded results, and some may want time format in the result itself. Use Decimal Points with Hours: With this option 2 hours and 20 minutes of a difference would result in 2.33 as the result (20 minutes being a third of an hour).

Use Total Hours: Here the value is rounded to the nearest hour and simply gives a final integer value. e.g. 4 and 37 minutes will result in the value: 5.

Use Time Format: Some users prefer to see the actual time format as it is easier to read and interpret when thinking about time. In this case 3 hours and 42 minutes will show as 03:42. Please note, with this option you will not be able to apply Maths calculations or totals to it.

For Start Checkbox

When checked, it automatically uses the current Data or Time for the Start Date.

For Finish Checkbox

When checked, it automatically uses the current Data or Time for the Finish Date.

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