Calendar & Resource Planning

This field is used to visualize and manage data through a calendar view. There are multiple calendar views to choose from. It provides customizable way to manage schedules and resources, making it ideal for complex planning and tracking tasks.

Initial Field Parameters for Calendar



Choose Calendar View Type

There are multiple calendar options to choose from.

Calendar Month View: This is a typical basic calendar.

Vertical Calendar Month View: This is a type of calendar which shows the days of the month listed vertically.

Single Day Hours View: This is a type of calendar which divdes the day into one hour time slots.

Resource Planning Views: See section for Parameters for Resource Planning below.

Select Bloc

Select the bloc in which you want to use data from.

Select Start Date/Time Field

This is the date from which the calendar will begin. You must create a Date/Time Selector field within the same bloc. This needs to be customized based on the Calendar View Type that you select in your Calendar & Resource Planning field.

For example, if you picked the standard Calendar Month View, then a Date/Time Selector with just a date would be sufficient. However, if you choose a Calendar View Type such as a Resource Planning View (Days and Hours - Full Week) then your Date/Time Selector Field would also need to include the time.

Select End Date/Time Field

Same logic as above. This is the date (and time if necessary) in which the calendar will run to.

Select Field for Label on the Calendar Item

This is what data appears on the calendar itself. The user can select any field within the bloc.

Choose height of records

The user can can set the height of the item (in PX) which appears in the calendar.

Example of Implementation by Calendar Month View

Resource Planning View Parameters



Choose Calendar View Type

Resource Planning View (Days Only): This is a type of calendar that has days across the top and on the left column you have data. Its similar to a gantt chart.

Resource Planning View (Days and Hours - Full Week): Same as above, however its broken into days and hours.

Resource Planning View (Days and Hours - Single Day): Same as above, but the planner shows only one day at a time.

Select the local data List field that controls the data on the left

This will show what will be displayed on the left column of the calendar.

You will have to create another bloc in the module that will contain records. E.g. task1, task2, task3.

In the bloc which contains the resource planner, you will have to create a dropdown from bloc field which will give the user an option to select each task.

Select Field that matches the left hand side values

In your bloc, you will have to create a text field. You must input the value that is selected from your dropdown that controls the data on the left. These values must match.

Select Field that contains the colour for the item in the calendar

Possible for calendar items to be different colours, from the following list:

  • red

  • green

  • yellow

  • blue

  • orange

  • sherpa blue

  • cyan

  • purple

The selected colour must be inputted into a field text field called "Colour" and then selected from this dropdown parameter.

Example of Implementation by Resource Plannning View (Days Only)

Optional Parameters



Enter Start / Finish Time Custom Format

You can use this parameter to decide your own format for Select Start Date/Time

This will tell the format what to expect. This can be created using php.

See the following link:

Select Field for updating when value is dropped on a record

Using this parameter, its possible for a results box to drop data on an existing record and it will update the field in that record with the value you dropped in.

Apply Filters to the Data Look Up

When loading the calendar you can filter to only load matching fields.

Show Load Data/Refresh Button

Enables a button on screen which, when pressed, loads the calendar again.

Enable Zoom with pinch on mobile/tablet (Beta)

Allows user to zoom into calender on mobile with pinch.

Make Calendar Responsive

Makes it responsive on mobile for specific views.

Show Counts of records instead of individual records

Instead of showing the name of an item, it shows the number of records instead.

Automatically Load Full Screen on Calendar Initialisation

Enables full screen mode when bloc loads.

Show Single Day Hours View After Click On Date

Show bloc pop up after clicking on the entry

This gives a pop up of the bloc, of where the data came from.

Send Extra Local Data to the Destination

When you update data on a calendar you can update data in another field after that. You can select the field and the field you want to update.

Apply Bloc Initialisation Actions

Last updated