Data Display

The Data Display section of the bloc is where you get to see your live data

Its possible to also view data with the raw timestamps and username by pressing X in the top right hand side of where the form is located.

Data Display Settings

You can use the Data Display Settings in the Bloc Editor to determine what data is seen on the bloc. From there you can also opt to completely hide the username and time stamp. You can also decide the order of the columns.

Export All Data

You can run a quick excel file report of all your data by clicking "Export All Data".

Export Filtered Data

It is possible to export just the data you have filtered also. To achieve this you must have used the data filtering. Once Blocworx recognises that data has been filtered the button will appear.

Delete All Data

You can Delete All Data using this option.

As this is in irreversible action, this can only be done by users with full Administrative privileges. There are also extra precautionary steps. You must manually type DELETEALLDATA and it also looks for your password again.

Data Display Settings and the Varying Data Views available

Click below to explore all our data views, from calendars to block view, to upcoming Gantt Charts and Kanban views

Data Display Settings

Last updated