Bloc Overview

The Bloc is central core feature of Blocworx. Every other feature in the software is designed to interact with, support or pull data from a bloc.

The core features of a Bloc

  • A form builder

    • This equally serves as the database table for that form (by adding a field you are effectively creating a column in your database table)

  • Fields & Components

    • These are used to build your more advanced functionality.

  • Field Parameters

    • These are parameters that affect how the fields behave by themselves and with other fields

  • Field Rules & Actions

    • These are powerful rules that can be set for each field. Some rules are action based, meaning they are designed to fetch data or populate other fields

  • Bloc Settings

    • These are the settings on the Bloc in its entirety that allow to decide how the Bloc is going to behave

So what is a bloc exactly?

The Bloc is where you build your tables, build your forms, build content pages, build data look up pages, build chart and graph look up pages, build inventory systems, export pdfs, run reports and much more.

You can also checkout out our Blocworx Process Flow page. This page explains in a more advanced way exactly whats going on in a Bloc. You can explore more about a Bloc below.

Bloc Front End OverviewBloc EditorAdd, remove and move Sections and Blocs

Last updated