Radio Buttons From Bloc
The Radio Buttons from Bloc field is a list of values from another bloc (or even the same bloc if required). This data is then presented as a list of radio buttons of which one can be selected. This is commonly used to fetch master or dynamic lists that we want to manage elsewhere. For example, we might have a dropdown of data of customers where the customer information is coming from a CRM system you might have built as another module elsewhere in Blocworx.
Filtering the data in the list (Only get data matching local fields)
An important feature of this field is that you can get data based on certain values in your form. For example, you might have another bloc with a list of customers, each customer having its own category, like "High Priority", "Low Priority". In the bloc containing this field you might only want a list of customers who are categorised as High Priority. In this case you can have another field in your bloc with the value "High Priority" and this field can then behave as the field that filters the data to only get High Priority customers.
Hint: To trigger this filter the rules in the field set to filter the data must be triggered. One issue with this is, sometimes you may want to filter immediately using the value in a plain data field when the bloc loads. To filter immediately, select the option: "Trigger rules on first initiation of the field"
Initial Parameters
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