Bloc Front End Overview

Every Bloc has the "Front End" view and the "Bloc Editor" view. The Front End view is the view of the bloc that the regular user who is not building the software will see. This is similar to a website where there is an editor in the back end for building the site, and a front end for people to see the site.

Full Width vs Compact Mode

There are two main views when it comes to seeing your Bloc on the Front End. Full Width, which shows your Form taking up the full width of page, and Compact Mode which shows the form on the left and data on the right.

With this option turned on you do the following:

Filter & Search Data

Using this feature, you can look up your data by certain values that have already been entered. It is possible to filter them so that a number of values are being looked for.

Data Display

Click below for more detailed information about the Data Display

PDF & Doc Exporting

It is possible to export your own custom-built designs containing data from Blocworx. Click here for more information.

Import Data From Excel

It is possible to import data using an excel sheet. We even provide you with a working template so you can be sure you are filling the correct fields.

By clicking "Generate Template" you will be given a raw excel file to fill your data with. You can use this file to fill out your own data and then re-upload by adding the file and clicing "Import Data"

Note: This literally takes in the values that are on excel, even if fields are supposed to behave in a different way (e.g. if they have rules or parameters set) these behaviours will be ignored. Consider uploading in this section like a raw import.

Edit and Show More Options

It is possible to view the record in its entirety by clicking the icon underneath the Show More column. This will load the form and have all the values filled in their fields. They will be greyed out to represent that they cannot be edited.

You can edit data either by clicking "Click to Edit" after clicking "Show More" or by clicking the icon representing the Edit link on the left hand side of the results.

To see this Edit link icon the following criteria must have been met: 1. The setting Anybody can edit data in this bloc is turned on. OR 2. The user has permission to Edit data and the show Edit Links and Data Filtering checkbox is ticked. OR 3. The user has permission to Edit data and the Data Display setting Show Edit Links by Default is turned on.

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